Frankie’s Story

When I began our additive free journey, I felt like I was doing everything the hard way. It was 2006, and my life had been turned upside down by an uncontrollable force – my first baby boy.
I did what every new Mother does – the absolute best with the information I had. However, my son had terrible, terrifying asthma and some odd quirks to his behaviour that I couldn’t figure out. He wasn’t the same child if he ate something that wasn’t ‘real.’
He became the motivation for the mission which now drives me.
I’m now a Mother to the tribe you see here in this photo. Five beautiful children. Yes, they’re all boys! And if I can have a harmonious, calm family, anyone can!
It was 2007 when our young family made the transition to additive free living. But there wasn’t a lot of information out there when we began. I trawled through mountains of research, reading anything I could get my hands on. I scanned endless websites, I studied ingredients on packaging and, with the background in analytics I became an expert on food labelling. What I learned fitted with what I began to suspect was causing my son’s health issues.

My hard yards paid off. My eldest son benefitted so greatly from the removal of additives from his diet.
Once additive free he settled back into a delightful, even-tempered child who no longer required asthma medication.
Even more surprisingly, neither did I. My life long issues with rashes, hives and asthma had completely disappeared. Additive free is now the standard for our family.

I wish that just one person, one doctor, a medical specialist, SOMEONE all those years ago had suggested that I should consider what we were eating. What a massive difference that idea might have made to my life and the life of my family.
That’s what I am here to do for you.
And it’s the purpose behind the Additive Free community – a safe place to connect with other families who are in the same place as you. To ask for help, to be able to access information in one central place, to gain support.
So no other Mother has to feel guilt ridden, worried, out of her depth, or without a reassuring place to visit.
I would love to help with your family.